
Research opportunities in the Paris region.

Postdoc positions

Opennings at IRFU institute in CEA Paris-Saclay:

There are nopostdoc positions at the moment, but they will appear here when available.

PhD projects

  • PhD project: Fast parameter inference of gravitational waves for the LISA space mission.
    • Project details here.
    • Start date: 1st October 2025
    • Deadline to apply: 15th March 2025
    • Co-supervision: Jérôme Bobin
    • To apply send application documents to tobias.liaudat@cea.fr with email subject [LISA-PhD].

Master Internships

Prospective students interested in doing a Master’s internship (M2) with me in our team should send an email to tobiasliaudat@gmail.com. The email should include a CV, and, if possible, a transcript of grades, and the research project of interest, which can be one of the proposed projects listed below (if any) or the topics the student is interested in that are aligned with our research (see Publications or Google scholar). If the student’s expertise matches my research interests I will reply to discuss the posibilities of an internship.

Projects will require a background in one or more of the following subjects: signal processing, machine learning, optimisation, and programming (Python).